End of April Already?!!???
April Showers bring May flowers. This year is just flying by. Days are going by faster and slower at the same time. It feels like each day goes by slowly but then I look back and it seems like yesterday day that it was January. It feels like yesterday all these intense changes just started for me. We are coming up on the 3rd Anniversary of my father’s passing. It is the starting point of this journey of Spirituality for me.

If you knew me in 2014 or prior I am not the same person. In many ways, I am a lot softer, less stressed and for me, I have finally found some peace in my life. It was a journey that only I could take. Nobody could do it for me. Some may call it a nervous breakdown. What it was — a breakthrough to who I am and a path to who I am deep inside. What I am meant to be and how I may be able to help others.
Change Happens in April
Let’s face it, I would never have been a public speaker prior to all of this. Although I was a blogger, to author a book was not even on my radar. Mercury is in Retrograde which for me is a time of reflection and almost a time to catch my breath. Summer is coming and the speaking engagements and fairs are starting to be scheduled. This is the calm before the storm. I need to take the time and enjoy it. Time to clean up all those little projects that have been hanging on to the do list entirely too long.
With all that is going on right now, I have to wonder — what is next? What fantastic things are going to happen with me in the coming weeks, months and years! It is an exciting time in my life. I think today, I will just be very grateful for where it has evolved to. For now, I am just grateful for everything.