Category: Weekly Affirmations
Weekly Affirmation – Change my Attitude
This week’s affirmation is as follows:
I’m bringing a positive attitude to work every day.
Weekly Affirmation – Life is Joyous
Life is joyous for me and it can be for you too! How you ask? Through changing the way you think. To do this you can use a very powerful tool in affirmations. Slowly over time using positive affirmations you change how your brain thinks. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Everywhere I go, I […]
Weekly Affirmation – Balance
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I balance my life between work, rest, and play.
Weekly Affirmation – My Eating habits are mine to control
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am the only person in control of my eating habits. I can always resist something if I choose to.
Weekly Affirmation – I am Strong
This weeks affirmation is as follows:
I am strong. There is nothing that I cannot achieve when I set my mind to do so
Weekly Affirmation – Dealing with Difficult Situations
We all encounter difficult situations. It is finding the courage to push through the fear and overcome what happens to us. Often I have found affirmations helpful in keeping that focus.This weeks affirmation is as follows: I face difficult situations with courage and conviction. I always find a way to overcome difficulties. About Weekly Affirmations […]
Weekly Affirmation – I am at peace
To be at peace for so many is difficult if not impossible. Finding the peace we seek isn’t easy. Too often we are wrapped up in the end result that we forget to enjoy the moments in front of us. Which is what being at peace is all about. I found affirmations to help me […]
Weekly Affirmation – For the Graduate
Congratulations on achieving your degree! For the Graduate this is a time of celebration, not only for you. There are many people that helped you along the way. Today express gratitude to these people and remember to now help those that are coming up behind you. Gratitude is not only an attitude it has […]
Weekly Affirmation – You too can be confident!
This weeks affirmation is as follows: I accept the past, live in the present and am confident about the future! So many times I speak with people who struggle to be confident about anything. This really undermines their success. If you think you cannot, guess what — you can’t. Building confidence with small steps is […]
Weekly Affirmation – Mistakes are part of the process
We all make mistakes in our lives. Some are small, others larger. Too often we focus on the negative aspect of that mistake instead of the lesson that will help you do better next time. This weeks affirmation is as follows: Every Mistake I make brings me closer to my goals! About Weekly Affirmations Each […]