Weekly Affirmation – Isolation is Hard

Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemic is hard.  There are so many reasons why isolation is hard on people.   Often it is the onslaught of information good, bad and indifferent.   Everyone is fearful and it is spread faster than faith has a chance to put it’s pants on.   Take time during the social distancing and quarantine […]

1 min read

Weekly Affirmation – Pandemic Responses

Our pandemic responses are varied.  COVID-19 or Coronavirus has had a significant impact our our lives.   This Pandemic has us Social Distancing and imposing Quarantine from others.   Dealing with difficult times is the perfect time to implement affirmations to assist us through difficult times.   Try using them to help you.  How about trying an affirmation […]

1 min read

Weekly Affirmation – Protect Myself With Boundaries

I protect myself with boundaries.   Those that don’t like it are the ones that need the boundaries or they would over take my life.   My boundaries with those that respect them it doesn’t bother.   Boundaries are healthy and we should use them.  For those that have been abused for periods of time struggle making the […]

2 mins read