Preventing Weaponized Incompetence Before It Starts

Preventing Weaponized Incompetence Before It Starts It’s frustrating to deal with weaponized incompetence, but what if you could stop it before it starts? While you can’t control other people’s behavior, you can set clear expectations, establish boundaries, create accountability, and create an environment where this tactic doesn’t thrive. Setting Clear Expectations from the Start One […]

4 mins read

The Cost of Speaking Out and the Strength It Brings

There is a cost to speaking out. I have felt it deeply. When I have taken a stand, people have walked away. Friendships (and family) I thought were solid disappeared, and I found myself questioning whether I had made a mistake. But with time, I realized something profound: if standing by my values makes people […]

3 mins read

Responding to Weaponized Incompetence in the Moment

Responding to Weaponized Incompetence in the Moment It’s frustrating to watch someone dodge responsibility by pretending they don’t know how to complete a task—or doing it so poorly that you’re forced to step in. Weaponized incompetence thrives when left unchecked, but addressing it head-on can feel uncomfortable. If you don’t call it out, the cycle […]

5 mins read

Standing Up for What is Right: A Spiritual Call to Action

What is right isn’t always easy.  Lately, I have found myself reflecting on what it truly means to live by the values of love, compassion, and empathy. Christ cared for the poor, the sick, and the vulnerable. Yet, in the world around us, I see a stark contrast to those teachings. There is a deep disconnect […]

3 mins read

The negativity surrounds all of us….

This post on negativity was originally posted on August 10, 2016, it seems still important to talk about. I have been seeing a disturbing trend in the people closest to me, in my real estate practice, in the spiritual community,  in my local, state and national governments and I am pretty sure globally. In my Mediumship […]

5 mins read

Learning to Recognize When You Need a Spiritual Reset

Honoring Your Energy: Learning to Recognize When You Need a Spiritual Reset I want to talk about how you may need a reset right now.  Have you ever felt exhausted, overwhelmed, or simply off without knowing why? When you’re a spiritually connected person, you naturally attract those who need help—and sometimes, their energy can throw […]

3 mins read

An Open Letter to the Democratic Party

To the Leaders, Committee Members and Members of the Democratic Party, It is time to face reality. The people who elected you are watching, and many of us are losing faith. We see the Republican Party openly embracing corruption, grifting, and self-interest. But let’s be honest—Democrats are not immune to the same behavior. You claim […]

1 min read

Psychic Readings and Repetition

Psychic Readings and Repetition: Are You Asking the Same Question Too Often? Psychic readings offer valuable insights into life’s challenges, providing clarity and guidance when we feel uncertain. However, repeatedly seeking answers to the same question can sometimes hinder growth rather than encourage it. While it’s natural to want reassurance, it’s important to recognize when […]

5 mins read