A Gentle Guide for New Tarot Readers

Trusting Your Inner Voice: A Gentle Guide for New Tarot Readers Today I want to talk about something that new tarot readers don’t always know.  Tarot is a wonderful tool for gaining insights and guidance, especially when you’re just starting out. However, it’s important to remember that the most valuable wisdom comes from within. Tarot […]

4 mins read

Intuitive Tarot

How to Read Tarot Cards Intuitively Intuitive tarot is not so difficult.   Reading tarot cards always includes a combination of intuition and understanding what the cards could potentially mean, but some people choose to work more intuitively than others. This means while you may know the typical definition of a tarot card, you use your […]

3 mins read

Tarot Cards that indicate Strength and Courage

Today I want to discuss Tarot cards that would indicate strength and courage.   Tarot cards have multiple meanings and often in context with other cards the meanings can change context.   Today I want to discuss a certain group of cards that can have an element of strength and more importantly courage in them. If you see […]

5 mins read

5 Tarot Card Spreads for Improving Our Lives

5 Tarot Card Spreads for Improving Our Lives I want to share 5 tarot card spreads that may assist you in your connection with Spirit.  Although often experienced as a divination tool, the Tarot is an intuitive practice that represents a ritual of caring for oneself and others. Tarot readings require some practice, dedication, and […]

5 mins read

Tarot Mastery: Building a Strong Foundation for Intuitive Readings

The Art of Learning Tarot: Balancing Structure and Intuition Tarot mastery is something everyone wants when they begin using Tarot.  When learning Tarot, it’s tempting to “toss the book” and just “read what you see.” Some teachers encourage this, but it does a disservice to Tarot and their students. It’s crucial to learn the structure, […]

2 mins read