Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities

Getting In Tune With Your Intuitive Abilities Our intuitive abilities can be difficult to cultivate.  Yet they do not have to be, instead of trying to do it all at once, try to connect in smaller bites.  The world today can be overwhelming! Each year, society seems to revolve more and more around technology, screens, […]

13 mins read

The Inner Journey: Why Internal Work is Vital for Mediumship Development

Embarking on the path of mediumship is a deeply personal journey. Each individual’s experience is unique, shaped by their past, beliefs, and inner struggles. Yet, despite these differences, there is a common thread that binds us all.  The importance of self-awareness and personal healing in nurturing our abilities as mediums. Self-awareness acts as a guiding […]

1 min read

Observation from Public Mediumship Demonstrations

This was originally posted on May 20, 2018, it still rings true today!  I want to open yet another uncomfortable conversation for the Spiritualist community.  This time I want to share some things I have witnessed that happen during Public Mediumship Demonstrations.   It seems that there are a wide variety of opinions of what […]

10 mins read

What Is Going Direct?

What Is Going Direct? In platform mediumship, going direct is one of the main ways mediums connect with Spirit. This method involves the medium addressing a specific person in the audience. It often starts with a question like, “May I come to you with a message?” Once permission is granted, the medium shares details about […]

2 mins read

Boundaries and Balance: Establishing Healthy Limits in Your Practice

Finding boundaries and balance with Mediumship can be tricky.  When we first start we are all excited about our connections with the Spirit world.   Welcome to the dynamic world of mediumship, where connections between the physical and spiritual realms are forged. Within this space, establishing boundaries isn’t just crucial; it’s a necessity. Just as […]

4 mins read

Cultural Sensitivity in Mediumship

In the realm of Mediumship, the importance of cultural sensitivity cannot be overstated. As mediums, our work involves connecting with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.  Each with their own unique traditions, beliefs, and perspectives. It is essential that we approach our practice with humility, openness, and a deep respect for the richness of cultural diversity. […]

2 mins read

Tapping into your Senses: Subjective and Objective

Subjective and Objective Mediumship: Tapping into Your Spiritual Senses Have you ever heard of subjective and objective in reference to Mediumship?  In the world of mediumship, one of the most profound realizations comes from understanding how we receive information from spirit. As mediums, we process these messages in different ways, and this can often be […]

3 mins read

From Skeptic to Believer: Embracing the Power of Mediumship

The power of Mediumship is a draw for many.  Facilitating Mediumship Development Circles not only involves guiding students but also delving into the profound questions that inevitably arise. As a facilitator, I find myself anticipating and exploring these questions with each circle. I want to share the most common inquiries, and providing insightful answers to […]

4 mins read

With great power comes great responsibility

With Mediumship Comes Responsibility: Why Words Matter “With great power comes great responsibility.” This iconic line from Spider-Man resonates deeply when applied to mediumship. Early in my journey, a friend shared this quote with me, and it has stayed with me ever since. Once you understand the impact of your words, you also become responsible […]

3 mins read

What is Candle Reading?

Glimpses Across the Veil: Spiritualist Candle Reading Why candle reading?  Come the deep midwinter, enigmatic candles flicker in frosted windows—beckoning bonds to those bereft by death’s bitter blade. Seeking solace, the suffering gather in hushed spiritualist temples to attend the candle readings, where love eclipses loss in tallow, smoke, and flame. In this solemn ritual, […]

3 mins read