Goal Setting for Success

Are You Setting the Right Goals for Yourself? Goal setting is something we should talk about.  There is a lot more to goal setting than just picking a goal and moving forward. While that is important, it’s also important to ensure that you are setting the right goals at the right time so that you […]

6 mins read

Spiritual Thoughts

Spiritual thoughts run through my head every day.  Lately I have been struggling with what is happening in this nation.   The basis of this nation was created on a clear separation of Church and State.   The founders of this nation wanted to live their lives without persecution for their beliefs.  Yet we have a radical […]

5 mins read

Independence is Happiness

“Independence is happiness” is a quote from Susan B. Anthony.  It is a quote that is often referenced as to what people feel would be her stance on abortion. The truth is we will never really know.   Another quote that seems appropriate for this moment in time is “No man is good enough to govern […]

4 mins read

It is neither Positive nor Negative

We often misread energy that is around us.   Often it is our lack of understanding of this energy and that it is neither positive nor negative, it is our perception of that energy.   What is positive to the spider is negative to the fly in its web. There are two types of reactions to energy […]

3 mins read

My hometown, Buffalo NY

My hometown, actually is North Tonawanda, a suburb of Buffalo, but I identify as a Buffalonian.  Buffalo Strong is who I was raised to be.   Now living an hour away in Rochester we still go to Buffalo because there are things we cannot get here.   There is the Broadway Market, and the food and the […]

5 mins read

Stop Overthinking Your Relationship!

5 Telltale Signs You are Overthinking Your Relationship When you overthinking your relationship you can be creating problems.  Think back to your first romance. Chances are you’re probably thinking about something that happened to you in school, or not long after. These were the days when everything was brand new. When every touch, gesture, and […]

3 mins read

The First Steps to Change are Hardest

The First Step to Change is to Recognize it is Needed The first steps to changing your life are the hardest.   They feel strange and the struggle is real!  If you’re struggling to make healthier changes in your life, it could be that you’re not convinced a change is needed. Many of us are also […]

3 mins read

What is Self-Hatred

What is Self-Hatred Self-hatred is easy to fall into.  Could it be possible you hate yourself too much? Self-hatred is more than simply not liking yourself. When you suffer with self-hatred, you’ll constantly put yourself down and feel like you aren’t good at anything. Here, we’ll look at what self-hatred is, the impact it can […]

3 mins read