Bravery is a Journey, not a Destination

When you slow down and think that bravery is a journey and not the end result, it takes a lot of pressure off of you.  Embracing bravery might not always be a walk in the park, but hey, I’m living proof that even I have my moments of not feeling entirely fearless! But guess what? […]

3 mins read

Knowing Your Worth

Knowing your worth is a deeply personal thing; and it really has nothing to do with anyone else. It’s your internal measure of how you value yourself no matter what other people might think of you or say to you. I am referring to the simple truth that we all have worth — some may […]

2 mins read

How to Turn Your Mess into a Message

The idea of turning your mess into a message can be unthinkable in the depths of grief.   Yet there is a way to do so as your healing continues. Ways People Use Change to Help Others At some point, you’re going to come to terms with your changes. The tough ones feel very messy when […]

2 mins read

Ways to Talk to Strangers Comfortably

Ways to Talk to Strangers Comfortably We spend our childhoods being told to never speak to strangers but then discover as we grow up, we need to do just that, repeatedly. Some strangers are more comfortable to talk to, such as shop clerks or servers in restaurants. Others though, are often more complicated, such as […]

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