A Fresh Start: Blessing and Cleansing Your Tarot Deck
A fresh start for your tarot deck is often needed. If you recently purchased a tarot deck, you might be wondering if you should bless it and then how to keep it clean. You want to be connected with them and you want them clear of any residual energy left behind between readings.
Every object, especially those frequently exchanged like store items, absorbs energy from its surroundings. Sometimes this energy is positive, other times not so much. So, when you acquire a new magical tool—be it through purchase, gift, or discovery—start by cleansing it to remove any lingering energies. Then, bless it with your own energy to make it truly yours and aligned with your intentions.
Ways to Cleanse Your Tarot Deck
There are several ways to quickly and easily cleanse a tarot deck or any magical object for that matter.
Sound Cleansing
Use sound vibrations to clear the energies of the object. You can ring a bell, chime a singing bowl, play a tuning fork, or use any other musical instrument with a pure tone to cleanse the item. Alternatively, you can play calming and uplifting music in the vicinity of the object.
Sage Smoke Cleansing
To cleanse your object, ignite some white desert sage and gently wave the fragrant smoke over it while envisioning any lingering energies dissipating. For an added touch, you can recite a cleansing chant like, “Rid this (item name) of bad luck; clear it of all pride and muck. Let the energies be released; fill it now with love and peace.”
Moonlight Cleansing
Harness the cleansing power of the moon by placing your object outdoors or on a windowsill where it can bask in the moonlight for 6-12 hours. This method works exceptionally well for items connected to femininity or divination.
Salt Cleansing
Utilize the grounding properties of Earth to purify your objects. Sprinkle salt over the item or create a protective salt ring around it. Allow the salt to work its magic for about 8 hours.
Intentional Cleaning
Regular cleaning with the intention of removing negative energies can also be spiritually purifying. While physically cleaning the object, focus your thoughts on cleansing it from any energetic residue.
Crystal Cleansing
Place the object on a bed of cleansing crystals, such as clear quartz or selenite, and leave it there for a few hours or overnight. The crystals will help absorb any negative energies.
Ways to Bless Your Deck
Now to bless the deck! This ritual is best performed during the full or new moon. You will need a quiet place, your tarot deck, a white candle, and positive intentions.
In your quiet place, light the candle (you may choose to also light incense or charcoal). Hold your deck in your hands and close your eyes. In your mind’s eye, picture your deck being filled with bright white and gold light. Hold this image for at least a minute. There are many blessing out there, below is a suggested one, or say one from your heart which can be more powerful than something someone else created.
“May this deck be a trusted guide,
As wisdom and insight do abide.
With each card’s message, clear and true,
Illuminate paths to pursue.In every shuffle and draw I make,
May clarity and light partake.
Empowering choices, understanding deep,
This tarot deck, my secrets keep.With open heart and mind aligned,
May its wisdom forever bind.
Blessed be this tarot deck’s embrace,
Guiding me with love and grace.”
After completing your session, take a moment to sit in stillness with your deck, meditating on your intentions and aspirations. When you feel prepared, extinguish the candle safely and carefully store your tarot deck. Remember to cleanse and bless it regularly, and keep it protected within a bag or box to prevent unintended energy transfer. The cards can easily absorb energies from external contact, so cleansing is essential, especially after sharing them with others.
Voilà! Your deck has been cleansed, blessed, and is now all set for use.