Rev. Colleen Irwin Loading

My Calendar

Events in August 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
July 28, 2019
July 29, 2019(1 event)
July 30, 2019
July 31, 2019
August 1, 2019(2 events)

N/A: Readings at Camp Etna

August 1, 2019

Call me directly to book your readings at (716) 310-4754.   I look forward to working with you!

7:00 pm: Writing with Spirit

August 1, 2019


Bring a notebook and a pen and we will be spending time writing with Spirit. If you are working on a particular piece you are struggling with bring that. In the supportive environment we will talk about:

  • The importance of keeping a journal
  • Ways to clear your mind to open up to the creativity
  • The importance of intentions
  • Techniques to make writing easier
  • What is automatic writing
August 3, 2019(2 events)

N/A: Readings at Camp Etna

August 1, 2019

Call me directly to book your readings at (716) 310-4754.   I look forward to working with you!

10:00 am: Developing Your Personal Platform Style

August 3, 2019


It can be overwhelming to stand up in front of a group to deliver messages. This day long workshop will work through those issues and help you develop your own personal style to give you the confidence to deliver messages from Spirit in any setting. We will cover:


  • The variety of delivery methods - direct, indirect, billet
  • How being yourself is half the battle
  • How to engage the audience
  • Importance of connection to Spirit and your routine
  • Understanding that words have power
  • Removing fear from the equation
  • Improve your delivery by direct coaching from Colleen
August 4, 2019(2 events)

N/A: Readings at Camp Etna

August 1, 2019

Call me directly to book your readings at (716) 310-4754.   I look forward to working with you!

1:00 pm: Effective Development Circles

August 4, 2019


We all hear about the importance of being part of Development Circle. Not everyone has one readily available to them. Perhaps you have thought of starting one and don't know where to begin. This workshop is for you! This workshop is also for you if you are a member of one or are leading one as well.

We will cover:
Effective Development Circle structure
Why you should start your own
Keeping a circle focused
The importance of returning to the basics
Exercises to use, list of topics you should be discussing
Tools to have in your toolbox

August 6, 2019(2 events)

N/A: Readings at Camp Etna

August 1, 2019

Call me directly to book your readings at (716) 310-4754.   I look forward to working with you!

7:00 pm: The Power of Intention

August 6, 2019



In this workshop we will talk about intention and how we can create a greater and more purposeful life in doing so.

We will talk about:

  • How to let go of things that we cannot control
  • Setting intentions for the life we want
  • Giving ourselves room for failure and learn from it
  • Letting go of how it will happen and the importance of gratitude along our journey
  • The importance of keeping a journal
August 8, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Readings at Camp Etna

August 1, 2019

Call me directly to book your readings at (716) 310-4754.   I look forward to working with you!

August 9, 2019
August 10, 2019
August 11, 2019
August 12, 2019
August 13, 2019
August 14, 2019
August 15, 2019
August 16, 2019
August 17, 2019
August 18, 2019
August 19, 2019
August 20, 2019
August 21, 2019
August 22, 2019
August 23, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 24, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 25, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 26, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 27, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 28, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 29, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 30, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019

August 31, 2019(1 event)

N/A: Surgery Recovery - Not Booking Appointments

August 23, 2019 December 31, 2019